Saturday 21 September 2013

may i add ? may i add ? xtremers from BEL313 !

may i add teech ?
firstly, we miss u teech.

This is our 43 entry. It is not an assignment from you but, we want to post this especially for the man we inspired the most . He is Teech Airil Haimi Adnan  :) . His class is on tuesday at 10 a.m and thursday at 8 a.m . We have to marathon as fast as we can so that we can arrive at exact time, if not it's show time ! :D . Annoyed, that the word that match really well with our feeling. But, we know your intention was not to make us angry but time means a lot..if i can go back from the first week we enter your class, we don't want to miss any single minute during 3 hours in your class, teech. I know we cannot turn back , we must go on and live up ! ;)

Thank you so much for being with us and always have your patience with our unique characters ! haha..we gonna miss u a lot. Thank you for your wish teech . my favourite line is " your dreams stay big your worry stay small " .Actually after the last bel313 class we keep listening to your wish . seriously it make us stronger and think of you. We hope you will read our entry eventhough we are not your bel313 student anymore but teech, can us stay as your student of life ? last thursday make us cries a lot because we realize we love you and we want to listen to your lecture more and more :( .the knowledge that you gave to us, insyaAllah we will use it wisely in the future teech! one day jom lepak tau dgn kitorg :D

thank you so much ♥

p/s : sorry for grammar lintang pukang :D

Wednesday 18 September 2013


bonjourr teech ~~♥♥

Assalamualaikum teech..thank you for giving me a chance for this last moment..(i just want to feel this moment ~ pitbul songgg) . i am so sorry because i am late in posting this entry due to extremelyyy annoying with the internet omagoshhh..btw, teech thank you for teach me a lot about life..thank you.arigato.shukran. again, i am so sorry if you find my credo a little bit rubbish but that the way i am..that is the way deebs is ;)

* don't forget me teech ever ever ever :( :(

# sincerely,
~ your an extremely cute student


Time to say good's the last post on weblog..its become my first blog..hahaha..I like to thank very much to teech for teaching us many thing...make games...hahaha...thank a lot of...maybe I late to post this because I don't know what I have to say...huhuhu...I already miss your lecture...hahaha...I also like to thank to my group members because take me became you group..and helping me and you are rock beb...I think it's the first time class that I really enjoi..before this many stress...thank teech for your advise..everything...I also want apology if I do any wrong to..I hope we always communicate with each others and you can guide us..thank a lot of teech what you teech us and our friends too...
#tata teech ...hope see you soon..
#tata Farah.tsya.haidil.and cikwan.
#tata blogger
#tata bel :(


time to say goodbye

Hello Pillow everyone ! J
Don’t be sad. Chill * senyum nampak gigi sikit*
Eventhough our title is about ‘time to say goodbye’ it is not about the end of our journey. And I’m very sure it will be the beginning or the first step for us to change to be a better person. Maybe before this we are the one who cannot control our emotion or anger. But, now we already know how to handle it. Or maybe, before this we are the one who like to judge other people by looking their mistake and do not do any justice with that person. Now we changed to be the one who do not underestimate others people because we as human “ yang tidak lari daripada kesilapan”.

Every semester, we faced this BEL subject. At one time, we’re very tired and fed up to face this subject because there’re a lot of assignment that we need to do. And at the moment, we think all the assignment we do is a RIDICULOUS because this subject do not have any related with our course.*takde kena mgena langsung, NOT AT ALL*
We tired already man, until when we need to take this subject ? why only accountancy student take this subject until part 5 ? why ? why ? and why ?
A lot of questions that plays in this mind

I thinks BEL 313, changed all the perspectives. It’s true, everything happened have a reason. It just we do not know what actually the benefit/wisdom from all this things.
Bel 313 is all about CRITICAL THINKING ! that I never thought about it.
I am very glad because Teech is our lecturer for this finale subject. At least, I have a good, sweet and meaningful experience to learn this subject. Actually, teech not only teach us how to be and think critically, but you also teach us how to face the real world that have many obstacles that we need to face after this. Last but not least, thank you teech for your kindness, patience, sacrifice and everything.

*goodbye 1FaShaDHaiMie/xtremers
*goodbye BEL

p/s : genight baby. it's almost 0430. Zzz


Time to say goodbye

This what been say in the translation.. Its time To say Goodbye and go with our own way.... When we look back in the first week in uitm. we just a shy person try to embraces into a new world , we just a teenager try to become a young adult and open our eye and what comes a head. we (5E) have gone through tough and thin and study like hell just to get a great grades. What teech teach us is about a to face life and not become a shy person.. Its time to say good bye to our younger self and say hello to our adult self.. the kid person in our heart is no more to been found... we not a kid anymore.. there's no time to cry and feel sad about oneself.. we need to go ahead in life and become the person that we want... its our parent hope and dream that they want to see, that we accomplished our own dreams.

 P/S : DONT cry when reading this ... hahah



Con te partirò – First of all, I would like to say thank you so much teech for giving us the last chance to write something in here. I know we need to write and post something on weblog before this BEL-HELL class end. I knew it! I believe if you not ask us to write anything today in this weblog maybe “The reflection of the rainbow soldier” will be my last entry and my last visit on this weblog. Based on what Wikipedia translated it to me, Con te partirò means WITH YOU I WILL LEAVE. It is too sad when I realize that we need to be separated and go to our own way. It is too emotional for me. Deep inside my heart, it really hurts me so much. It can’t be describe by words and I really don’t want this happen. I really enjoy your class even you give us a lot of assignment and even though this is not a core subject. I still remember when the very first class begin. I don’t know anyone in this class and I feel like I in my own world and they on their own world. Me just a strangers to them but the time goes by and I know one by one of them and now I feel they are not just my friends but my best friends. Thank you teech for helping me to be friends with them all. The memories that I got from this class will never I get it again. The time when we arguing at press conference, the time we being disturbed by other group, the time when you phycho us, and the most memorable to me when the time you makes a variety of expression in this class.  

My first last, I would like to say a gazillion thanks to you teech for giving us lot of knowledge, teach us about the world, teach us to always say thank you to others opinion, teach us to be a wise person while talking with other person, teach us how to respect the floor, teach us to being polite to everyone, you give us a little bit the meaning of life and the most important thing you teach us about being critical. For seriously, since I born till now, I never thought that that I will be taught to be a critical thinkers. I am so grateful that I has given a chance to learn all of this from you. Even though it is too sad to leave this class but we need to do so. Like Malay proverb said “Di setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan”. We are not immortal to live forever in this world. Like teech said, “It is about moving on. Parting ALWAYS sad. But the memories will stay until the day you die.” To all my beloved mates, please don’t be sad. Life is too short for that. Always be happy and don’t forget my credo “THE CHOICE IS YOURS. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT”. You guys always in my memories. Yeah, we can delete the pictures but we can’t delete the memories especially the memories that we have built together. Lastly, I would like to say thank you so much to my first group, Shida, Dayah and Shikin. Thank you so much guys for picking me to join your group. Thank you to my crazy second group which is Sya, Jemah, Abe and Mr President, Encik Kamarul. Also thank you to my partner Idan even though he doing almost all the assignment. Hihihi. And thank you very very very very much to my lovely group, Bermuda Triangle group, Mr the boss, Debby, Fara F-Fara F, Mimi and Tasya and to all my classmates thank you so much guys. Sorry if I’ve make mistakes to you guys. Sorry if I’ve already hurt you guys. I’m so sorry. To teech, thank you so so so so so much teech for teaching us how to be a good person in this world and I’m very very sorry if I’m doing wrong to you. I’m very lucky to have you as my teacher. Insya-Allah all of what you have teach to me will not be wasted. Only Allah can repay all of your kindness. And the very very very last, I love you guys! Thanks for taking care of me. Thank you so much. I appreciate it so much. May Allah bless you guys. xoxo :’)

Listen to this song carefully. FIKIRKAN BOLEH!!! You can do it!!!

Sunday 8 September 2013

The Reflection to the Rainbow Soldier


Yum...yum...thank Teech for the treas us...hehehe...this first time i watch movie in class...(so excited...)..Movie "Laskar Pelangi" is best indon movie...because i don't like indon movie actualy..hehe...This movie tell us a lot of responsible and sacrifice to our life.The most character that i like is Ikal because he never give up for his life.The funny part when he meet girl and falling in love after he saw only hand suddenly many flower dancing around him,I don't now where its come from..hahaha..He become the success boy even his best friend quit from that school and the girl left him.The credo that I create for myself  "be cool like blue" (you know the meaning right.. :-P ) like Lintang after his father died, he just move on his life even he has to take care his sisters as the eldest in family.We have to be cool even we have biggest problem in our life or someone died maybe.Last week, it also happen to me in my family (not my parents ..hehe)then I try to smile and become normal life..people died never come back but people live have to move on....I like the spirit Miss Muslima because she stay want to teach even his'uncle not have money to pay her salary.Compare Mr.Bakri just want money and name only...When I grow up, I want be like Miss Muslimah (hope...pray for me..hehe).Thank you Teech for the great movie and teach us many thing in our life..thank a lot...a lot...a lot...


The Reflection on the Rainbow Soldier

First of all I would like to say thank you very much to Teech for the treats. Even though my ice-cream already completely melting but it is very delicious. Okay let’s start. ‘Laskar Pelangi’, the movie that give us a lot of credo. The movie that teach me the meaning of life. The credo that I like the most is by Pak Harfan, he said “We live to give as much as we can not to take as much as we can”. To compare my life with them, my life is far better than them but I didn’t take this chance to be the one that grateful with I have and I feel they far better than me. How can poor people like them have the spirit to learn new thing. I’m really inspired by Lintang because whenever a barrier comes he did manage it brilliantly. Even though how long it takes, he will wait patiently like he waiting for a crocodile go away even at that time he has debate competition. I really proud of him. He teach me how to be patient even we had a hard time. If I am at their situation maybe I will give up with my life and better I be a coast boy and I think more better I help my father raise all my sister. I don’t think I can be like them, they really inspired me. For me, I will take the lesson of this movie as much as I can and I will applied it in my daily life. Insya-Allah. J
The reflection to the rainbow soldier
My reflection is to the life that we Live in... the children live in rich island but the community that kids live is poor ..the government do not care about the education level in the poor community   is so poor for the lintang that he have take a bicycle everyday just to go to school... he is eldest son in the family and also he doesn't have a mother... his father have go to the sea when the wind is right... the brave side lintang that he never give up. When his father die.. he accept the faith and not appeal to emotion. He knows that his father job is hard and have circumstances to it...

The reflection to it that is that kids nowadays doesn't know the hard live our father and mother also grandparents have gone through in their live... all they know is playing games , ask for money to buy things and do not want to work.. for me, we should face downfall before we can raise up...

                 05092013, one of the day that I’m very excited to go for BEL 313 classes because it’s movie show dude ! Even though the weather is rainy, we still go to the class. Before the movie start, we have to sit with our web blog group members. So, my group members were sat on the first line. (like an excited kids that want to see a cartoon) and our food was sponsored by the handsome guy named Mr. Airil Haimi Adnan. Hee J
                ‘LASKAR PELANGI’ is a title of the movie and it was an Indonesian movie. In this movie, they have many characters like Lintang, Ikal, Mahar, Cikgu Muslimah, Cikgu Harfan and many more. Every character have their own personality that I think can teach us how to survive in this real life. For an example, Lintang is poor child that like to study eventhough his family doesn’t have the money to effort Lintang’s school. But, he is an independent boy that bears to overcome all the obstacles during his way to school. In Laskar Pelangi, Lintang was an excellent student at SD Muhamaddiyah.  So, from this I learned that whatever situation is, we need to be patient and diligent if we want to success in our life. Furthermore, in this movie I learned from Cikgu Harfan that in this life we need to give more and demand less. This movie also teaches me the value of friendship. When Ikal had heart broken with Ai Ling, Mahar as his friend try to comfort Ikal by singing a song of Seroja to make him smile again.  It’s not about singing a song of Seroja or what, but it’s about a friendship. A true friends always be with us no matter what happened either when we sad, cry, laugh and etc.

                Last but not least, I am very enjoyed to watch this movie with my classmates and also with my great teacher, Teech. It was a wonderful experienced that happened in my life. Thank you everyone. Muah muahh <3

Saturday 7 September 2013


Assalamualaikum !

First and foremost, this entry is for me to express what I feel after I watching the LASKAR PELANGI movie. After I watching that movie I finally realized that life is not simple as we thought. I never know at the Belitong just only one Islamic school that is SD Muhammadiyah. SD Muhammadiyyah is like a shabby house and very old. Mr Harfan and Miss Muslimah is very hardworking person because they want to continue and protect the school to achieve the good student like UPT in the Belitong village. But when I watching Lintang, Ikal, Sahara, Mahar,Kucai, Harun and everyone in that school, I never think that there are people who willing to do anything to gain their knowledge. Like Lintang, he is a great student and also a great son. Although he is a poor kid and his house located is very far from the school and he has to wade the crocodile but he will to gain knowledge. Also, if I am Lintang I will to give up my study to focus on my family. For Ikal, I also proud of him because after his heart broken with Ah Ling, he study hard to go to Paris and Alhamdulillah he got to continue his study at Paris.

After that, I want say that BEL 313 is great subject in part 5. In this class I learn many things that you have teach me in the class. For me critical thinking is very hard to me but even this subject is very difficult it is still enjoyable because Teech is very awesome :). In this class like built up my confident level. InsyaAllah I will use all knowledge that I learn from you. Even though, I done my study in UiTM Perak I never forget what you teach me in the class. Thank you Teech, you are my best lecturer and idol. :)

The reflection on the rainbow soldiers ;)

      Life is too short for you to achieve everything, so give all that you have to achieve the best things for you. After watching Laskar Pelangi with the rest of my classmates I finally realized that life is not as simple as we thought. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for giving me an opportunity to study and learn until today. After watching Lintang, Ikal, Mahar and everyone in SD Muhammadiyah, I never think that in this world, there are the people that willing to do anything to gain knowledge. Honestly, if I am Lintang, I will give up my study and focus on my family. But, what I can see Lintang has such an great personality because although he is a poor kid and his house located very far away from the school but his will to gain knowledge is amazing. After that, I want to say my sincere thank you to teech because for the rest of this BEL313 class, I learn many things in life. About your opinion last class, you said I am a soft spoken person right teech ? and maybe I just pretend to be good in front of other people  . First of all, I really appreciate your comment about me. Actually teech, many things that I have gone through in the past to become who I am today. People say that the best teacher in your life is an experience. That is so true. When time passed, I learn from my mistakes and become the person that you know today. But teech, don’t worry, I will not take your words to heart because I know this is what we call a learning process J. I have such a wonderful moment in this Bel313 class like build up my confident to talk and voice my opinion and insyaAllah I  will use all the knowledge we gain from you in my life. Just like you say, our life will not ended here but about to start . Thank you teech . You are my teacher and your words are my motivator :D

p/s : mother father gentlemen ( psy ) miahahaha

Sunday 1 September 2013

THE PC ! an experience to be a reporter :)

Hello Hello Dude!!
Yeahhh, everyone already know that our Press Conference (PC) already finished. Jyeahhhh!!Partyyyy (HAHA). So, there is no more head ache, stress and painful. Ouhhh, btw. CONGRATs BERMUDA TRIANGLE (my group baby) for our effort in doing research about ‘The mysterious of Bermuda Triangle’. I know we have put a lot of effort to make this PC successful especially in our fabulous costume and also our education background. Hahaha. (Teech, did u remember about University of Leicester?)
Actually, I got many experience from this PC. One of that was, I know how to express my opinion about something. If you have something to speak, you should speak it out. Don’t keep it in your heart because nobody can hear what you think. In other hand, we should respect everyone and learned how to control our emotion in whatever condition it is. To overcome this problem, we need to smile. This is because, with smile everything will run smoothly. InsyaAllah J. Last but not least, I hope I will get good marks.


Saturday 31 August 2013

Press Conference already End.. Sad? Happy? hurmm

Assalamualaikum ! first and foremost, thank to everyone that contribute to do this work and forum.. Finally this press conference had completed. After this press conference all team had gone through test 3 especially my team THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE.. congrate everybody..  :)

Okay let me tell the truth, We have seat together to do the research also the evidence that we have to watch what happen at Bermuda triangle, what happen to Flight 19, the ship.. So bored.. :'(.. Fara F, Deeba, Mini and I have yawn more than 3 time.. hehe.. that night I cannot sleep well because I always think about the forum.. Because in my dream it is about the Bermuda triangle and scary face appears in my dream…you know who? Of course the person is TEECH… aarrgghhh… it is very scary..

 The day of press conference, I am so nervous to present in front of them.. The floor is so noise when we open the question to floor.. We can’t control it.. After the press conference I felt so sad because not perform very well.. I really STREES to do this forum.. huhuhu.. :(

By the way, CONGRATULATION for all team that involved in this press conference there is THE FAIRIES, KARAK HIGHWAY, THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE, UFO and THE MERMAIDS… to teech thank a lot because teaching us.. I like the way that you teach us.. I am going to miss the BEL 313 :>

Yeahh !!! Press Conference is finish . First and for most, I happy that all team contributed to do this work.. I really impress the team work of everyone try to answer the question from the floor. Its been hard to come out with with a relevant question according to the research.
Secondly, all the noise from the floor and the attacking toward the team that presented. All that is finish , we don't have to do it again.... Until when we start working... ALL THE STRESS ARE NOW RELIEF ....
TEECH have tough us that we must speak our mind and do care about other.. IF u scare , u will never get, the thing that u want.... THANKS TEECH FOR THE LESSON

Experience …sad...Happy...

Assalamualaikum...MERDEKA!!!×3...finally we had complete all forum group happy..but HOLD ON!!! everyone..we not finish paper will going on...huhuhuuu....

Press conference
   Before the test I did not sleep well because to scare and nervous...huhuuu...our group had done preparation for our test..we have seat together to do some research and also evidence...he he he ...( well done Bermuda triangle ...BIG CLAP!!!!)..During press conferences there we so mush noise from the floor..Difficult moment when, reporters interrupted if someone asking question... there a lot of agreed and disagreed... he he he...I also felt so sad because not perform very well...huhuhuu(carrying behind door)…

   I am gonna miss the scary moment bel313...heheh..and also time I shouting on chair...( sorry for that..he he )...for teech thank a lot of teaching us..he he he...

Friday 30 August 2013

Now Press Conference finally ended ~

Assalamualaikum ! first and foremost, this entry is for me to express what I feel after press conference. Okay, let me tell the truth, after this press conference which means my team had gone through TEST 3 ! Alhamdulillah, I feel relieve and now I can sleep well but hold on ! not too well actually because I need to think about the final one L. By the way, CONGRATULATIONS EVERYBODY ! Now, I know how much effort you must contribute to get what you really want. J

There were 5 groups involved in this press conference which included The Mermaid, The Fairies, The Haunted Karak Highway, UFO and of course finally THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE . Teech, if you read my entry, it is triangle teech not square or circle ;P. About the red and yellow card, I am absolutely agree with this rule in order to respect each other. Well our country is democratic right ! MERDEKA ! . But, at the same place, I feel unsatisfied because I think I did not perform well during the press conference. Somehow, the questions that I asked maybe too childish or not relevant but that was what we called LEARN .  Last but not least, what I can say is I am gonna miss those time we are shouting and create memories with each other . Thank you teech for  teaching me J

Sunday 25 August 2013

Last Thursday Experience

Assalamualaikum..hello everyone.. regarding last Thursdays experience that is my first time to be in press conference.For me it really like real press conference will happen outside. so scare :( ..The fun part when people on the floor scream and also fight to ask critical question..he he..then hard part to think and answer at the same time.The most importance thing is teamwork because all members will help each others as a team and always smile.I also want to congratulate both the fairies and Karak highway's group because of fun presentation and lovely picture..I wish good luck to my own group..hehehe

Happening but annoying on Thursday morning.

Yo! What’s up dude? Hehehe. What? About Thursday experience? Hmmm, okay. Are you ready to rock!!!? Okay, let’s start. About the forum on Thursday morning, I feel like whoaaaaaaaaaa. *piung piung piung piung piung* *fireworks*. Is this the real situation when we are going for a press conference? It is really crowded and stressful moment when you are fighting with others to be called by the moderator. Everyone going crazy and everyone want to ask (actually they don’t really do, but for the sake of marks they need to do so, including me. xD). It more frustrated when you yell loudly and the moderator ignore you and call another person to ask a question. Really annoying you know. I’m almost lost my voice because of you guys. This is warning to next presenter if you didn’t call me on next press I will find you and I will kill you slowly. Don’t you dare to defy me. Mind that! Hehehe. Just kidding. :p. I think since part 1 until part 6, this is the most happening BEL class. You can argue, you can share your thought, and the most important you can defy others opinion and said like this, “Shut up, your opinion is rubbish” It make the situation more lively and I will make this as one of my precious memories in UiTM. Thank you guys, appreciate so much. Btw, please prepare for the next wave! Am going to all out. Be careful. I will make sure you guys will suffer with my stupid question. :D :D :D

Saturday 24 August 2013

Last Thursday, i feel like another person. we kept asking question about their research. although some people on the floor did not get the chance to ask question. the shy one need to find a way to compete with others. its tough to raise hand and should for the shy one. at least people have fun doing this and gain marks for those who participate. It is a critical thinking because you have to think at the moment of time.

For my experience, its hard to thinks at that moments and answer the question but at least their try and know what is all about the press conference. Teamwork is important, their need to backup for their team mate no matter how hard the question is.

Last Thursday Experience

Last Thursday was an amazing and unforgettable day that happened in my life because it’s the first time for me to feel the situation like I’m in a real press conference. On that day, it was begun with the first group with their topic ‘Existence of Fairies‘. Mr. Safwan as a moderator for his group starts their press conference. In this press conference teech ask us to make questions by ourselves to ask for the group who present on that day. I as a floor can feel the nervous like in a real press conference where there are many audiences inside the class. Every group will be given 10 minutes to explain about their topics. After the group are done, we as a press media need to compete to ask the questions as many as we can. The best part is, all the press media are shouting to make them being selected by the group presented. It’s important for us to ask the questions because each question that we ask will bring one mark for a question. 
                After the first group finished their presentation, the second groups will proceed the press conference with their topic ‘The Haunted Karak Highway’. For this group, the situation is more happening because we as a press media already know how to interfere others conference. So far, what I had learned was everybody has a different thought about fiction and non-fiction story and we need to respect others opinion. For the next week, it will be our group on the conference and the other two groups.  Our group will present about ‘The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle’. What it is about? Where is it? So, all of you need to wait until the press conference come. I hope everything will be okay and running smoothly.

Last Thursday Experience :)

      Regarding Last Thursday, that is my very first time to be in the press confrence. For me, It is like a real press conference but it is too bad because I don't get a chance to ask a question to the presenters but I will make sure next time I will ask questions so other group, you all better watch out ! :D Other than that, I want to congratulate both The Fairies and Haunted Karak Highway's group because of their amazing presentation. I am sure they feel relief because they had done it. Now I know how it is actually to be in press conference. 

     Then, I also learned something from this press conference, it is we must have our patient and teamwork so that we can work together and make sure the presentation run smoothly. 

Last Thursday experience :)

     Assalamualaikum everyone, regarding the forum that those two groups had done, honestly it was my first time doing  such thing. For me, it was a very good experience and somehow it taught me how to create a critical questions on the spot. Although it was quite frustrated because we had to fight with each other in order to be selected but on the same time it teach us to be patient. Before I forgot, I want to congratulate The Fairies and Haunted Karak Highway group because they were great that day. Their presentation gave me a lot of information. Furthermore, I feel like in the real press conference and feel extremely nervous although I only as the audience. For me, I have done my best and I really hope teech can give me a good marks. For the next time, I will fight to the end! :D . Go Bermuda Triangle !

Tuesday 13 August 2013



     According to the pictures above, we bet all of you know that we are trying to explore about The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle. We are from National Geographic Malaysia Mystery Branch (NGMMB) choose this matter about bermuda triangle because we want to know what actually happen there.

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Mohammad Haidil Bin Mohd Ridzuwan, UiTM # 2011235192
 Based on my opinion, do we really need the 7 steps of being a cool people?  Does by following this step can make a person becoming a cool people? Why should we follow and advise from an adult? This article clearly does not have any clear facts or example to support it.  For example, the author stated that “to be certified as cool, you would actually need to memorise the ‘7 Points’ below by heart. Why? Because I am an adult and I know better and also I am ‘The Guru of Cool’ ”. This type of fallacies is appeal to emotion and inappropriate authority. The author also stated that “most skinheads are neo-nazis!” This clear show that a hasty generalization fallacies by the author.
           However, some of the statement brought out by the author out is true, for example “ecstasy or any other drug will react badly with your body chemistry and, in some cases, kill you instantly”. The author has used the fallacies of presumption which is post-hoc. Another example are “smoking is really bad for health. It makes your teeth go yellow and gives a pungent stench to your sweat”. This shows the slippery slope fallacies.  
         In the nutshell, the article is based on the author feeling toward teen nowadays. By following these steps does not make a person becoming a cool people. Although this article is fun to read but due to some fallacies and no strong facts to support it is not a good article.
250 Words

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #1, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Farah Farhana Binti Basir, UiTM # 2011214674

           Firstly, when I read the headline of the article ‘The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People’ I think it will be an interesting article and might help teenagers who want to be a cool person. But, when I read through the overall of this article. It’s ridiculous man!  Is it, it’s a 7 steps can make people to be cool?  To be honest, I didn’t found any statement to be cool but I found a few fallacies in this article. One of them is the author use a slippery slope.  It’s clearly showed that the effect of the smoking by stated “your teeth go yellow and gives a pungent stench to your sweat”.
          Next fallacy that I found is an appeal to ignorance. One of an example that the author use is “Because I am an adult and I know better” and “I am The Guru of Cool’”. The statement obviously showed that, there is no evidence or proof that he is a Guru of cool. Besides, not because he is an adult we should follow his step to make us to be cool. Might be him had a different opinion to be cool. 
          Lastly, in this article on the second step “I know, I know, some of you are allowed to drink alcohol when you come of age”, the statement clearly showed that the author use an appeal to common practice. For conclusion, I think this article can make others think about to be cool in a different perspective. 

(250 words)