Saturday 7 September 2013

The reflection on the rainbow soldiers ;)

      Life is too short for you to achieve everything, so give all that you have to achieve the best things for you. After watching Laskar Pelangi with the rest of my classmates I finally realized that life is not as simple as we thought. Alhamdulillah, thank you Allah for giving me an opportunity to study and learn until today. After watching Lintang, Ikal, Mahar and everyone in SD Muhammadiyah, I never think that in this world, there are the people that willing to do anything to gain knowledge. Honestly, if I am Lintang, I will give up my study and focus on my family. But, what I can see Lintang has such an great personality because although he is a poor kid and his house located very far away from the school but his will to gain knowledge is amazing. After that, I want to say my sincere thank you to teech because for the rest of this BEL313 class, I learn many things in life. About your opinion last class, you said I am a soft spoken person right teech ? and maybe I just pretend to be good in front of other people  . First of all, I really appreciate your comment about me. Actually teech, many things that I have gone through in the past to become who I am today. People say that the best teacher in your life is an experience. That is so true. When time passed, I learn from my mistakes and become the person that you know today. But teech, don’t worry, I will not take your words to heart because I know this is what we call a learning process J. I have such a wonderful moment in this Bel313 class like build up my confident to talk and voice my opinion and insyaAllah I  will use all the knowledge we gain from you in my life. Just like you say, our life will not ended here but about to start . Thank you teech . You are my teacher and your words are my motivator :D

p/s : mother father gentlemen ( psy ) miahahaha



  2. Dearest Deebs, my harsh words HAVE NO MEANING. Please oh please, do not even remember them :'(

    As for the film, may it teaches you about life and living. And, about becoming the REAL you that you are meant to become...
