Wednesday 18 September 2013


Con te partirò – First of all, I would like to say thank you so much teech for giving us the last chance to write something in here. I know we need to write and post something on weblog before this BEL-HELL class end. I knew it! I believe if you not ask us to write anything today in this weblog maybe “The reflection of the rainbow soldier” will be my last entry and my last visit on this weblog. Based on what Wikipedia translated it to me, Con te partirò means WITH YOU I WILL LEAVE. It is too sad when I realize that we need to be separated and go to our own way. It is too emotional for me. Deep inside my heart, it really hurts me so much. It can’t be describe by words and I really don’t want this happen. I really enjoy your class even you give us a lot of assignment and even though this is not a core subject. I still remember when the very first class begin. I don’t know anyone in this class and I feel like I in my own world and they on their own world. Me just a strangers to them but the time goes by and I know one by one of them and now I feel they are not just my friends but my best friends. Thank you teech for helping me to be friends with them all. The memories that I got from this class will never I get it again. The time when we arguing at press conference, the time we being disturbed by other group, the time when you phycho us, and the most memorable to me when the time you makes a variety of expression in this class.  

My first last, I would like to say a gazillion thanks to you teech for giving us lot of knowledge, teach us about the world, teach us to always say thank you to others opinion, teach us to be a wise person while talking with other person, teach us how to respect the floor, teach us to being polite to everyone, you give us a little bit the meaning of life and the most important thing you teach us about being critical. For seriously, since I born till now, I never thought that that I will be taught to be a critical thinkers. I am so grateful that I has given a chance to learn all of this from you. Even though it is too sad to leave this class but we need to do so. Like Malay proverb said “Di setiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan”. We are not immortal to live forever in this world. Like teech said, “It is about moving on. Parting ALWAYS sad. But the memories will stay until the day you die.” To all my beloved mates, please don’t be sad. Life is too short for that. Always be happy and don’t forget my credo “THE CHOICE IS YOURS. TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT”. You guys always in my memories. Yeah, we can delete the pictures but we can’t delete the memories especially the memories that we have built together. Lastly, I would like to say thank you so much to my first group, Shida, Dayah and Shikin. Thank you so much guys for picking me to join your group. Thank you to my crazy second group which is Sya, Jemah, Abe and Mr President, Encik Kamarul. Also thank you to my partner Idan even though he doing almost all the assignment. Hihihi. And thank you very very very very much to my lovely group, Bermuda Triangle group, Mr the boss, Debby, Fara F-Fara F, Mimi and Tasya and to all my classmates thank you so much guys. Sorry if I’ve make mistakes to you guys. Sorry if I’ve already hurt you guys. I’m so sorry. To teech, thank you so so so so so much teech for teaching us how to be a good person in this world and I’m very very sorry if I’m doing wrong to you. I’m very lucky to have you as my teacher. Insya-Allah all of what you have teach to me will not be wasted. Only Allah can repay all of your kindness. And the very very very last, I love you guys! Thanks for taking care of me. Thank you so much. I appreciate it so much. May Allah bless you guys. xoxo :’)

Listen to this song carefully. FIKIRKAN BOLEH!!! You can do it!!!


  1. You are a good man, Che' Wan. A good guy.

    Do not forget your past, it was your yesterday that led to today.

    But, never lose sight of the future. That, will be your life journey.

    All the best, young sir. And, thank you for always taking the time to contribute to our FB group :-)

    1. I will teech!
      Thank you for your advise.
      And thanks for spend your time to read my post.
      Thank you so much.

  2. azwan jalil si JOHORIAN. haha:)

    babe, seriously u make me sad. i feel there's something that i can't describe it. like a weird feeling. hurmm
    nangis kowt bila baca nie :(

    hurmm, thank you to mr azwan because u make our classes become more fun and more interesting with your joke, your mimik muka and so on.

    p/s: nak dekat last2 day classs nie, rasa sayu laa plak. haishh. will miss our BEL 313 moment
