Sunday 1 September 2013

THE PC ! an experience to be a reporter :)

Hello Hello Dude!!
Yeahhh, everyone already know that our Press Conference (PC) already finished. Jyeahhhh!!Partyyyy (HAHA). So, there is no more head ache, stress and painful. Ouhhh, btw. CONGRATs BERMUDA TRIANGLE (my group baby) for our effort in doing research about ‘The mysterious of Bermuda Triangle’. I know we have put a lot of effort to make this PC successful especially in our fabulous costume and also our education background. Hahaha. (Teech, did u remember about University of Leicester?)
Actually, I got many experience from this PC. One of that was, I know how to express my opinion about something. If you have something to speak, you should speak it out. Don’t keep it in your heart because nobody can hear what you think. In other hand, we should respect everyone and learned how to control our emotion in whatever condition it is. To overcome this problem, we need to smile. This is because, with smile everything will run smoothly. InsyaAllah J. Last but not least, I hope I will get good marks.


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