Sunday 8 September 2013


                 05092013, one of the day that I’m very excited to go for BEL 313 classes because it’s movie show dude ! Even though the weather is rainy, we still go to the class. Before the movie start, we have to sit with our web blog group members. So, my group members were sat on the first line. (like an excited kids that want to see a cartoon) and our food was sponsored by the handsome guy named Mr. Airil Haimi Adnan. Hee J
                ‘LASKAR PELANGI’ is a title of the movie and it was an Indonesian movie. In this movie, they have many characters like Lintang, Ikal, Mahar, Cikgu Muslimah, Cikgu Harfan and many more. Every character have their own personality that I think can teach us how to survive in this real life. For an example, Lintang is poor child that like to study eventhough his family doesn’t have the money to effort Lintang’s school. But, he is an independent boy that bears to overcome all the obstacles during his way to school. In Laskar Pelangi, Lintang was an excellent student at SD Muhamaddiyah.  So, from this I learned that whatever situation is, we need to be patient and diligent if we want to success in our life. Furthermore, in this movie I learned from Cikgu Harfan that in this life we need to give more and demand less. This movie also teaches me the value of friendship. When Ikal had heart broken with Ai Ling, Mahar as his friend try to comfort Ikal by singing a song of Seroja to make him smile again.  It’s not about singing a song of Seroja or what, but it’s about a friendship. A true friends always be with us no matter what happened either when we sad, cry, laugh and etc.

                Last but not least, I am very enjoyed to watch this movie with my classmates and also with my great teacher, Teech. It was a wonderful experienced that happened in my life. Thank you everyone. Muah muahh <3

1 comment:

  1. Patience.

    Great things these are. And they give our lives TRUE meaning.
