Saturday 31 August 2013

Press Conference already End.. Sad? Happy? hurmm

Assalamualaikum ! first and foremost, thank to everyone that contribute to do this work and forum.. Finally this press conference had completed. After this press conference all team had gone through test 3 especially my team THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE.. congrate everybody..  :)

Okay let me tell the truth, We have seat together to do the research also the evidence that we have to watch what happen at Bermuda triangle, what happen to Flight 19, the ship.. So bored.. :'(.. Fara F, Deeba, Mini and I have yawn more than 3 time.. hehe.. that night I cannot sleep well because I always think about the forum.. Because in my dream it is about the Bermuda triangle and scary face appears in my dream…you know who? Of course the person is TEECH… aarrgghhh… it is very scary..

 The day of press conference, I am so nervous to present in front of them.. The floor is so noise when we open the question to floor.. We can’t control it.. After the press conference I felt so sad because not perform very well.. I really STREES to do this forum.. huhuhu.. :(

By the way, CONGRATULATION for all team that involved in this press conference there is THE FAIRIES, KARAK HIGHWAY, THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE, UFO and THE MERMAIDS… to teech thank a lot because teaching us.. I like the way that you teach us.. I am going to miss the BEL 313 :>

Yeahh !!! Press Conference is finish . First and for most, I happy that all team contributed to do this work.. I really impress the team work of everyone try to answer the question from the floor. Its been hard to come out with with a relevant question according to the research.
Secondly, all the noise from the floor and the attacking toward the team that presented. All that is finish , we don't have to do it again.... Until when we start working... ALL THE STRESS ARE NOW RELIEF ....
TEECH have tough us that we must speak our mind and do care about other.. IF u scare , u will never get, the thing that u want.... THANKS TEECH FOR THE LESSON

Experience …sad...Happy...

Assalamualaikum...MERDEKA!!!×3...finally we had complete all forum group happy..but HOLD ON!!! everyone..we not finish paper will going on...huhuhuuu....

Press conference
   Before the test I did not sleep well because to scare and nervous...huhuuu...our group had done preparation for our test..we have seat together to do some research and also evidence...he he he ...( well done Bermuda triangle ...BIG CLAP!!!!)..During press conferences there we so mush noise from the floor..Difficult moment when, reporters interrupted if someone asking question... there a lot of agreed and disagreed... he he he...I also felt so sad because not perform very well...huhuhuu(carrying behind door)…

   I am gonna miss the scary moment bel313...heheh..and also time I shouting on chair...( sorry for that..he he )...for teech thank a lot of teaching us..he he he...

Friday 30 August 2013

Now Press Conference finally ended ~

Assalamualaikum ! first and foremost, this entry is for me to express what I feel after press conference. Okay, let me tell the truth, after this press conference which means my team had gone through TEST 3 ! Alhamdulillah, I feel relieve and now I can sleep well but hold on ! not too well actually because I need to think about the final one L. By the way, CONGRATULATIONS EVERYBODY ! Now, I know how much effort you must contribute to get what you really want. J

There were 5 groups involved in this press conference which included The Mermaid, The Fairies, The Haunted Karak Highway, UFO and of course finally THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE . Teech, if you read my entry, it is triangle teech not square or circle ;P. About the red and yellow card, I am absolutely agree with this rule in order to respect each other. Well our country is democratic right ! MERDEKA ! . But, at the same place, I feel unsatisfied because I think I did not perform well during the press conference. Somehow, the questions that I asked maybe too childish or not relevant but that was what we called LEARN .  Last but not least, what I can say is I am gonna miss those time we are shouting and create memories with each other . Thank you teech for  teaching me J

Sunday 25 August 2013

Last Thursday Experience

Assalamualaikum..hello everyone.. regarding last Thursdays experience that is my first time to be in press conference.For me it really like real press conference will happen outside. so scare :( ..The fun part when people on the floor scream and also fight to ask critical question..he he..then hard part to think and answer at the same time.The most importance thing is teamwork because all members will help each others as a team and always smile.I also want to congratulate both the fairies and Karak highway's group because of fun presentation and lovely picture..I wish good luck to my own group..hehehe

Happening but annoying on Thursday morning.

Yo! What’s up dude? Hehehe. What? About Thursday experience? Hmmm, okay. Are you ready to rock!!!? Okay, let’s start. About the forum on Thursday morning, I feel like whoaaaaaaaaaa. *piung piung piung piung piung* *fireworks*. Is this the real situation when we are going for a press conference? It is really crowded and stressful moment when you are fighting with others to be called by the moderator. Everyone going crazy and everyone want to ask (actually they don’t really do, but for the sake of marks they need to do so, including me. xD). It more frustrated when you yell loudly and the moderator ignore you and call another person to ask a question. Really annoying you know. I’m almost lost my voice because of you guys. This is warning to next presenter if you didn’t call me on next press I will find you and I will kill you slowly. Don’t you dare to defy me. Mind that! Hehehe. Just kidding. :p. I think since part 1 until part 6, this is the most happening BEL class. You can argue, you can share your thought, and the most important you can defy others opinion and said like this, “Shut up, your opinion is rubbish” It make the situation more lively and I will make this as one of my precious memories in UiTM. Thank you guys, appreciate so much. Btw, please prepare for the next wave! Am going to all out. Be careful. I will make sure you guys will suffer with my stupid question. :D :D :D

Saturday 24 August 2013

Last Thursday, i feel like another person. we kept asking question about their research. although some people on the floor did not get the chance to ask question. the shy one need to find a way to compete with others. its tough to raise hand and should for the shy one. at least people have fun doing this and gain marks for those who participate. It is a critical thinking because you have to think at the moment of time.

For my experience, its hard to thinks at that moments and answer the question but at least their try and know what is all about the press conference. Teamwork is important, their need to backup for their team mate no matter how hard the question is.

Last Thursday Experience

Last Thursday was an amazing and unforgettable day that happened in my life because it’s the first time for me to feel the situation like I’m in a real press conference. On that day, it was begun with the first group with their topic ‘Existence of Fairies‘. Mr. Safwan as a moderator for his group starts their press conference. In this press conference teech ask us to make questions by ourselves to ask for the group who present on that day. I as a floor can feel the nervous like in a real press conference where there are many audiences inside the class. Every group will be given 10 minutes to explain about their topics. After the group are done, we as a press media need to compete to ask the questions as many as we can. The best part is, all the press media are shouting to make them being selected by the group presented. It’s important for us to ask the questions because each question that we ask will bring one mark for a question. 
                After the first group finished their presentation, the second groups will proceed the press conference with their topic ‘The Haunted Karak Highway’. For this group, the situation is more happening because we as a press media already know how to interfere others conference. So far, what I had learned was everybody has a different thought about fiction and non-fiction story and we need to respect others opinion. For the next week, it will be our group on the conference and the other two groups.  Our group will present about ‘The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle’. What it is about? Where is it? So, all of you need to wait until the press conference come. I hope everything will be okay and running smoothly.

Last Thursday Experience :)

      Regarding Last Thursday, that is my very first time to be in the press confrence. For me, It is like a real press conference but it is too bad because I don't get a chance to ask a question to the presenters but I will make sure next time I will ask questions so other group, you all better watch out ! :D Other than that, I want to congratulate both The Fairies and Haunted Karak Highway's group because of their amazing presentation. I am sure they feel relief because they had done it. Now I know how it is actually to be in press conference. 

     Then, I also learned something from this press conference, it is we must have our patient and teamwork so that we can work together and make sure the presentation run smoothly. 

Last Thursday experience :)

     Assalamualaikum everyone, regarding the forum that those two groups had done, honestly it was my first time doing  such thing. For me, it was a very good experience and somehow it taught me how to create a critical questions on the spot. Although it was quite frustrated because we had to fight with each other in order to be selected but on the same time it teach us to be patient. Before I forgot, I want to congratulate The Fairies and Haunted Karak Highway group because they were great that day. Their presentation gave me a lot of information. Furthermore, I feel like in the real press conference and feel extremely nervous although I only as the audience. For me, I have done my best and I really hope teech can give me a good marks. For the next time, I will fight to the end! :D . Go Bermuda Triangle !

Tuesday 13 August 2013



     According to the pictures above, we bet all of you know that we are trying to explore about The Mysterious Bermuda Triangle. We are from National Geographic Malaysia Mystery Branch (NGMMB) choose this matter about bermuda triangle because we want to know what actually happen there.

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Mohammad Haidil Bin Mohd Ridzuwan, UiTM # 2011235192
 Based on my opinion, do we really need the 7 steps of being a cool people?  Does by following this step can make a person becoming a cool people? Why should we follow and advise from an adult? This article clearly does not have any clear facts or example to support it.  For example, the author stated that “to be certified as cool, you would actually need to memorise the ‘7 Points’ below by heart. Why? Because I am an adult and I know better and also I am ‘The Guru of Cool’ ”. This type of fallacies is appeal to emotion and inappropriate authority. The author also stated that “most skinheads are neo-nazis!” This clear show that a hasty generalization fallacies by the author.
           However, some of the statement brought out by the author out is true, for example “ecstasy or any other drug will react badly with your body chemistry and, in some cases, kill you instantly”. The author has used the fallacies of presumption which is post-hoc. Another example are “smoking is really bad for health. It makes your teeth go yellow and gives a pungent stench to your sweat”. This shows the slippery slope fallacies.  
         In the nutshell, the article is based on the author feeling toward teen nowadays. By following these steps does not make a person becoming a cool people. Although this article is fun to read but due to some fallacies and no strong facts to support it is not a good article.
250 Words

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #1, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Farah Farhana Binti Basir, UiTM # 2011214674

           Firstly, when I read the headline of the article ‘The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People’ I think it will be an interesting article and might help teenagers who want to be a cool person. But, when I read through the overall of this article. It’s ridiculous man!  Is it, it’s a 7 steps can make people to be cool?  To be honest, I didn’t found any statement to be cool but I found a few fallacies in this article. One of them is the author use a slippery slope.  It’s clearly showed that the effect of the smoking by stated “your teeth go yellow and gives a pungent stench to your sweat”.
          Next fallacy that I found is an appeal to ignorance. One of an example that the author use is “Because I am an adult and I know better” and “I am The Guru of Cool’”. The statement obviously showed that, there is no evidence or proof that he is a Guru of cool. Besides, not because he is an adult we should follow his step to make us to be cool. Might be him had a different opinion to be cool. 
          Lastly, in this article on the second step “I know, I know, some of you are allowed to drink alcohol when you come of age”, the statement clearly showed that the author use an appeal to common practice. For conclusion, I think this article can make others think about to be cool in a different perspective. 

(250 words)

Entry 2 (newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Farah Farhana Binti Basir, UiTM # 2011214674

Nowadays, most fresh graduates cannot obtain their desired jobs because they are many competitors between them.  Because of that, I think the article about “6 Formula Kerjaya Impian” is very interesting to read and it can guide us especially we as students that will be graduates in the future. I strongly agree with Airil Haimi Adnan’s opinion from the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Perak who is a Pro-Chief Executive of ‘UFORIA’ Centre.

Based on this article, I found a few fallacies with examples. The first fallacy is hasty generalization.  The example that Airil Haimi used was “ Statistik menunujukkan sesetengah ‘ kerjaya impian ‘ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu.  Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Kerajaan, kira-kira 30 000 graduan memohon”.  I think his example should be more wider and not only focus on one scope that is “Jawatan Pegawai Pentadbiran” because the conclusion is drawn based on a sample that is not large and strong enough.

“ Buktinya, ada graduan yang sudah berjaya kerana mereka ‘ lebih dari layak’ berdasarkan semua kriteria di dalam rajah Formula Kerjaya impian(FKI)”, this example clearly showed there is an appeal to novelty. In my opinion, I agree with this FKI because it assumes the newness of an idea as evidence of its truth.

                As for the conclusion, the article about “6 Formula Kerjaya Impian” by Airil Haimi Adnan is an awesome article because it is full of knowledge that can help graduates as to seek one’s fortune.

(250 words)

Entry 2 (Newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri 
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Mohd Azwan bin Abdul Jalil, UiTM #2010562763

As we know, nowadays it is really hard for fresh graduate to find a suitable job with their current qualification. For me this is very good article to fresh graduate who are looking for a better job. By reading this article, maybe it can help them in looking for a better job after graduation. The writer said that “Ribuan graduan gagal mendapat kerja dalam tempoh enam bulan pertama selepas tamat pengajian”, this is related to appeal to ignorance because it is no any conclusive proof to support the points. He doesn’t state from where he get the statistic, he just state it.

The other fallacies is begging the question which is the writer asks the reader, why some fresh graduate can get a better job with a big and international company but a few of them is really hard to find it. In this sentences the writer doesn’t have any evidence that shows the unemployed fresh graduates. The writer also said “Ini bererti peluang untuk mendapat kerjaya impian amat sukar kerana anda terpaksa ‘bertanding’ dengan ramai orang.” The verse clearly shows an ad populum fallacy, this is because the writer said the fresh graduate hard to find their dream job because they need to compete with others. This has make their dream job just only a dream.

In conclusion, I think this is a very good article for those fresh graduate that who are looking for a better job and they can use this article as a tips.
(250 words)


Entry 1 (Magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,

Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri 
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Mohd Azwan bin Abdul Jalil, UiTM # 2010562763

                The article quite interesting to read, which is presenting the ‘7 points’ of becoming ultra-cool, super suave –i-teenagers, but I found that the writer doesn’t have conclusive and enough points to persuade the readers to follow the steps to be a cooler person. This is because the writer wrote “Because I am an adult and I know better.”, “…because I am ‘The Guru of Cool’.” this is already show that more to appeal to ignorance. There is no conclusive evidence to show that the adult know well than the teenagers.

                The next fallacies that the readers can find in this article is sweeping generalisation. Which is the writer said that “In Western countries, people spit on any Skinhead they see.” The sample of the writer used is not large enough to say that most Skinheads are Neo-Nazis. Plus the writer doesn’t have enough points to say that all the Skinhead are Neo-Nazis. The third fallacies can be found is slippery slope, where “Ecstasy or any other drug will react badly with your body chemistry and, in some cases, kill you instantly.” This is like a “domino effect”, if you take a drug your body will react badly, and if you unlucky, you will get kill by taking the drug.

     As conclusion, the article is quite good but not good enough to make the teenager be a cooler person. It is better to be yourself than be a hypocrite person by following the writer steps. Just be the way you are.

(250 words)

Monday 12 August 2013

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

         Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Nur Adibah Binti Muhammad Fuad, UiTM  # 2011200018

Based on the article that I have read, the author highlights 7 points on how to become an ultra cool person. From my point of view, to be a cool person does not require the steps because this type of personality originates from an inner feeling of a person. In my opinion, the points made by the author are rather unclear. For example, the claim is “But to be certified as cool, you would actually need to memorise the ‘7 Points’ below by heart. Why? Because I am an adult and I know better”. This statement shows there is an appeal to ignorance because there is no conclusive evidence on the issue. Furthermore, the author also state that boys and girls, together with his army called the Nazis and when you become a Skinhead, you are actually pledging allegiance to the Nazis. This shows that there is an ad populum because the author is taking advantage of people’s shared beliefs.

Meanwhile, I found that the author had done a good research to support his statement. For example, the author state that research has proven that Asians are actually less tolerant of alcohol compared to Westerners and tend to fall seriously drunk very quickly. I also agree with the author which is professional racers are trained legally compared to people racing illegally that might cause injury to other people. My overall comment on the article that we should act and behave as our true self and not pretending as somebody else.  
(250 words)
by Dibah

Entry 2 (newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

         Submitted by: Nur Adibah Binti Muhammad Fuad, UiTM # 2011200018

Based on the article that I have read, I agree with most of the statements made by the author. In the introduction paragraph, it is stated that for those who have diploma or degree may enter into their own desire job but unfortunately the chance to fulfill their dreams are not easy due to high competition. I agree with the author on this statement. Furthermore, I found that Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan who is the Pro-chief Executive Of Uforia of Excellence at UiTM Perak had provided a conclusive evidence by providing a statistic showing that certain desired job has too many people competing for it. There is also a statement that can be an example of appeal to novelty which is “ Buktinya, ada graduan yang sudah berjaya kerana mereka ‘lebih dari layak’ berdasarkan semua kriteria di dalam rajah FKI ”. This claim assumes the newness of an idea as evidence of its truth.

In contrary to my comments as above, I also found there is an example of hasty generalisation in the article. For example, the statement which says “ Statistik menunjukkan sesetengah ‘kerjaya impian’ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu. Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Kerajaan, kira-kira 30,000 graduan memohon”. This claim draw a conclusion based on a sample that not large enough. From the overall view of this article, I agree with most of the statements presented by the author in the article as those statements are supported by statistical evidence.

(250 words)

Entry 2 (newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian 

Submitted to: Airil HAimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Mohammad Haidil Bin Mohd Ridzuwan, UiTM # 2011235192

      I personal think that this article is helpful to the entire graduate students from university. Most of the statement wrote by the author is true. Nowadays jobs aren’t enough for the graduated student. This is likely due to high competition between them. Even with best result some of them still unemployed and unlikable to get they desire jobs.  Mr. Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan who is the Pro-chief Executive Of UfoRIA of Excellence at UiTM Perak has stated that “Each year, during the graduation season across the country, tens of thousands of students around graduation unable to seek works that their desire. This type of fallacy is appeal to tradition. Another fallacy that appears is hasty generalization. For example only candidate who "more than qualified" to be called to attend the interview process

     In the contrary, the author has used the fallacies of presumption which is the slippery slope. This from the statement “international company that offers exciting career with good salaries and allowances, graduates may have to pass an online test (online), pass a written screening test and pass the end of the interview. Some companies also ask graduates to provide personal report since they were in grammar school before being accepted work, coupled with a personal report from a college or university”.

     As conclusion, this article has been providing with a great explanation also support for the students to get their desire jobs. The authors have shared and written a great piece of article that is amazing to read.

250 Words

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Siti Syamimi binti Zainuddin, UiTM # 2011204518    

I think this article is interesting to read but the facts given really need to think wisely. It is because this article is based on personal opinion rather than relevant facts.

Firstly, there is ad hominem since the author got distracted from the real issue. The author wrote about “smoking which give bad effect to the health and distract it which smoking can be used for dating, CDs, DVDs, clothes and more”. Secondly, there is appeal to tradition through the statement “I knows, I know, some you are allowed to drink alcohol when you come of age” because in Islam, it is forbidden to do so. Thirdly, appeal to ignorance can be clearly seen when the author made a conclusion with lack of evidence based on the phrases, “you might slowly turn into a bench, and people might start sitting on you”. Fourthly, the author shows the similarity between things but not relevant which is commonly known by weak analogy. Beside, referring to the statement “boys and girls, together with his army called the Nazis, this very bad man did many bad things” the author has shown irrelevant similarity between things. Lastly, through the statement of “I know for a fact that most of your parents now allow you to frequent nightspots” is definitely another presence of appeal to tradition.

In a nutshell, I believe that this article lack of solid evidence and research based on the fallacies found. The author’s personal opinion does not always produce a good article.

                                                                                         (250 words)

Entry 2 (newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,

Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Siti Syamimi binti Zainuddin, UiTM # 2011204518

I think this article gave an information which providing the tips to find an appropriate jobs. But, the points given are not actually relevant and good as the article based on the research of a researcher. There are a few fallacies that can be found in this article.

First, there is an example of hasty generalization through the claim “Statistik menunjukkan sesetengah ‘kerjaya impian’ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu”. “Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan pegawai pentadbiran kerajaan, kira-kira 30000 graduan memohon”. This statement draw a conclusion based on a sample that is not large enough by providing ‘pegawai pentadbiran kerajaan’ as an example of hasty generalization. Second, false dilemma can be shown where there is a change of reaction from one event to another and result a definite consequence through that statement “mereka langsung tidak dapat meyakinkan penemuduga ketika menghadiri temu duga”. Third, referring the phrases “Rata-rata graduan hanya mengejar diploma dan ijazah saja dan kurang aktif apabila menuntut di university berbanding ketika di sekolah menengah dulu” it is pretty clear that another hasty generalization is made based on limited population. Lastly, the article stated that “PNGK yang rendah akan menjadikan diploma atau ijazah graduan kurang bernilai di pasaran pekerjaan.” which is definitely shown the present of slippery slope.

In a nutshell, I believe that this article is lack of views from an expert. Additional views and opinion are needed to support the arguments given in an article or research to make things more clear.
 (250 words)

Entry 1 (magazine)

The 7 Steps of Highly Cool People

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Natasha Binti Ibrahim, UiTM # 2011249068

     Based on the article, I think that the 7 steps of Highly Cool people is fun to read but this article lack of fact and evidence. The steps given are relevant to the statement that the issues of teenager encouraged to become cool.  However, the article is not made of true facts. It is merely the author’s opinion. For me, the author includes a few of fallacies that can be found in the article. Besides that, the author gives clearly the use of appeal to inappropriate authority. For example, “Because I am an adult and I know better. It is because I am a Guru of Cool”. The question is, can I put the trust in adult to know the definition of cool.

     Moreover, this article use an example of slippery slope in the first step, that is “It makes your teeth go yellow and gives a pungent stench to your sweat”. This is the bad effect of smoking that the author gave in the statement. The other fallacy that I find in the article is an appeal to tradition. For example, “I know, I know, some of you are allowed to drink alcohol when you come of age”. It is assumed that something is correct simply because it is always had been done.

     In a nutshell, I believe that the article is fun to read but the author has to give strong facts  and evidences to make it believable. So, do not simply accept the statement in this article.

(250 words)

Entry 2 (newspaper)

Tanya Pakar : 6 Formula Kerjaya Impian

Submitted to: Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan, tutor

In partial requirement for BEL 313,
Introduction to Critical Thinking.
Test #2, Semester 1 2013/2014,
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Seri
Iskandar Campus, Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Submitted by: Natasha Binti Ibrahim, UiTM # 2011249068

     Based on the article that I have read, I strongly agree with most claims that the author gave in the article. In the introduction paragraph, it is stated that for those who have a diploma or degree they may go  into their desired job. However, the chances of their dream being fulfilled is  not easy due to higher rate of competitors. In my opinion,  all claims are totally true. I found that Airil Haimi Mohd Adnan who is the Pro-chief Executive of Uforia of Excellent at UiTM Perak had provided the evidence by statistic showed in the article. Moreover, there is some element of fallacies. In this statement, I found  the example of hasty generation which is “Statistik menunjukkan sesetengah ‘kerjaya impian’ tinggal impian semata-mata kerana terlalu ramai yang berminat dengan kerjaya itu. Sebagai contoh, untuk jawatan Pegawai Tadbir Kerajaan, kira-kira 30,000 graduan memohon. This claim state the conclusion about a population is drawn based on a sample that is not large enough.

     Furthermore, I also found there is an example of appeal to novelty on the article. For example is “Buktinya, ada graduan yang sudah berjaya kerana mereka ‘lebih dari layak’ berdasarkan semua kriteria di dalam rajah FKI”. This claim assumes that the newness of an idea and evidence of its truth.

     As a conclusion, I think that most of the arguement and statement are supported by strong evidence and those people that will graduate should read through these tips to prepare themselves when enrolling for jobs later on.

 (250 words)
